
Townsend: Speaking up really helped me

26 Apr 2020

Crystal Palace midfielder talks about his own mental health experiences as part of the Premier League’s #StayWell hub

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Crystal Palace winger Andros Townsend has spoken about how he has dealt with mental health issues as part of his support for the Premier League's #StayWell hub.

The hub shares tips and guidance from experts, the clubs and players as well as from the NHS and national organisations working in these areas to help supporters stay strong and positive.

It will continue to develop, offering fans expert guidance in other areas to help maintain their health in these challenging times. 

And to help promote the hub, Townsend has recorded a video from home in which he gives advice to people who may be struggling with mental health issues.

"[It's important] just to speak to someone so you can get your problems off your chest and not have them bubbling up inside you, festering and making them worse, 10 times worse," he says.

"That’s what I found from personal experience. Speaking has definitely helped me no end."

'Take that step'

Reaching out is something men in particular can find difficult to do. But Townsend has revealed that speaking about your problems can be very beneficial.

"You always want people to think you're indestructible, that you're a strong, hard person, not a care in the world and don't have any problems at all," says the 28-year-old.

"But taking that step to speaking to someone and breaking down those barriers, I definitely found it's not only the toughest thing to do but also the best thing to do."

See: #StayWell hub 

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