
Murphy praise for 'remarkable' Jokanovic

28 May 2018

Danny Murphy lauds head coach who guided Fulham back to the Premier League with stylish football

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Danny Murphy has described Slavisa Jokanovic’s achievement in guiding Fulham to the Premier League as “remarkable”.

Murphy says the head coach deserves particular credit for taking his side back to the top flight after a four-year absence because he has done so while embracing an expansive style of play.

“This season one of the things the manager has done is stay true to his beliefs in the type of football they play,” says Murphy. “What they’ve done in recent months has been remarkable.”

The former midfielder says Fulham also played attractive football during his time at the club, when he made 169 PL appearances in five seasons.

In the video above he fondly remembers “one of the best spells in the club’s history".

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