With the 2019/20 Premier League matches having resumed behind closed doors from Wednesday 17 June, here is a guide to the safety measures in place for matchdays and to what fans watching at home can look out for.
After the match
After the final whistle, players should seek to restrict their interaction with opponents.

Players can use the showers but must maintain social-distancing, while any ice baths are for individual use only.
With bigger squads and a high number of matches in a short period of time following the restart, the value of warm-downs in clubs’ fitness programmes is greater.
These should last no more than 25 minutes and are likely to be staggered for each team.
Media interviews
All post-match broadcast interviews must take place pitchside with social-distancing followed at all times.
Boom microphones must be used by media companies to maintain social-distancing and they must be cleaned between interviews.
Huddle interviews are not permitted.
Post-match press conferences with managers, like with pre-match ones, will be conducted virtually.

Anti-doping tests
These will still be in operation, with social-distancing observed.
All anti-doping officials will be tested for COVID-19 before being allowed to enter stadium’s Red Zone.
Doping control will still be in operation, with social-distancing observed. All anti-doping officials will be tested for COVID-19 before being allowed to attend the Red Zone.
Travelling from the stadium
Players and staff are expected to maintain the same measures as when travelling to the stadium, driving alone in their own vehicles or using coach, plane or train with appropriate space between occupied seats and full hygiene measures observed.
Also in this series
Introduction: Your essential guide to Premier League behind closed doors
Part 1: BCD guide: Before the match
Part 2: BCD guide: During the match
Part 4: BCD guide: What will be different on TV?
Part 5: BCD guide: Matchday features
Download: Premier League 2019/20 Season Restart guide (PDF; 807KB)