No purchase necessary.

A purchase will not improve your chances of winning. 

1. PRIZE DRAW: The Premier League September 2024 Manager of the Month Prize Draw (the “Prize Draw”), is an online prize draw run via the Premier League’s website and app and sponsored by the Football Association Premier League Limited, company number 02719699, of Brunel Building, 57 North Wharf Road, London, W2 1HQ (“PL”). Two Circles Limited (“Administrator”) will administer the Prize Draw on behalf of the PL.

2. PRIZE DRAW PERIOD. The Prize Draw begins at 12:00 BST on 3 October 2024 and ends at 12:00 BST on 7 October 2024 (the “Prize Draw Period”).

3. ELIGIBILITY. The Prize Draw is open to anyone who is able to access and vote in the Prize Draw and who is thirteen (13) years of age or older as of date of entry (“Entrant”). Employees of the PL and the Administrator and each of their respective subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, advertising and promotional agencies and the immediate family members of each (spouse, parents, siblings and children) and household members of each such employee are not eligible to participate or win. The Prize Draw and Entrants are subject to all applicable laws. There is no entry fee and no purchase is necessary to enter the Prize Draw.

4. HOW TO ENTER. To enter the Prize Draw, during the Prize Draw Period an Entrant must submit the relevant form on the Dedicated Prize Draw page of the PL’s website or app after voting in the Prize Draw (each an “Entry”). Entrants who submit an Entry must also confirm acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, by ticketing the ‘opt-in’ tick box.

5. Entrants are only permitted to submit one Entry. Any attempt by an Entrant to obtain more than one Entry by using multiple/different accounts, identities, registrations, logins, addresses or through any other methods, may void all of that Entrant’s Entries and that Entrant may be disqualified. Entries generated by script, macro or other automated means and entries by any means which subvert the Entry process are void. Incomplete, illegible or corrupt entries will not constitute a valid Entry.

6. Any content or a position of an Entry that is, in the PL’s sole discretion obscene, profane, lewd, defamatory or violates any proprietary right of any person living or deceased (including but not limited to rights of privacy or publicity or portrayal in a false light) or entity, sexual in nature, or is otherwise objectionable, will disqualify the Entry as determined in the PL’s sole discretion. Entries must be in keeping with the PL’s image and may not be offensive, as determined by the PL in its sole discretion.

7. All Entries become the sole property of the PL and will not be returned and once submitted, can only be withdrawn in writing to the PL.

8. DRAWING THE WINNERS. There will be an opportunity for one Entrant to be selected as a winner of the Prize Draw (“Winner”). The Winner will be selected in a completely random drawing conducted in accordance with the laws of chance, which will take place within four weeks of the end of the Prize Draw Period, from all eligible Entries. The PL’s decision is final on all matters relating to the selection of the Winners. The odds of winning the Prize Draw will depend on the number of eligible Entries received throughout the Prize Draw Period.


To the extent that it is reasonably practicable and possible, as determined solely by the PL, each Winner will receive a voucher with an ERV of £150 for use in a Premier League club shop, the Premier League club to be selected by the PL in discussion with the Winner (“Prize”). The PL and the Administrator shall not be obliged to accommodate any requests made by a Winner in relation to the Prize and the Winner acknowledges that the voucher may, as determined by the PL in discussion with the relevant Premier League club, be redeemable online or in person.

10. The Prize is subject to availability and eligibility and the PL reserves the right to later amend, substitute or withdraw any element. If a Winner is not able to demonstrate their compliance with the eligibility requirements set out herein, or is disqualified for any other reason whatsoever at the sole discretion of the PL or the Administrator, the PL and the Administrator, at their sole discretion, reserve the right to withdraw the Prize or any element of it, and the Administrator reserves the right to select a new Winner in accordance with these terms and conditions. The Prize is non-transferable and non-exchangeable, and no cash alternative will be offered in any circumstance.


The Winner will be notified via email within seven days of the draw taking place in accordance with point 8. The Winner will be required to respond to the email within ten days of receipt of the email. If the Winner fails to respond within the applicable time, their Winner status may be forfeited, and the PL reserves the right to select a new Winner in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The Winner is subject to verification by the PL and the PL may request any reasonable documentation or proof of eligibility.

12. GENERAL RULES: Parent/guardian permission is required for any Winner under the age of eighteen (18) to receive the Prize. Any Winner under the age of eighteen (18) who does not provide their parent/guardian’s contact details when requested to do so by the PL and/or Administrator, or for whom permission is not granted by their parent/guardian, shall forfeit their winner status and the Administrator reserves the right to select a new Winner in accordance with these terms and conditions.

13. If any aspect of the Prize, is affected, amended, cancelled or postponed due to circumstances beyond PL’s control, including but not limited to, travel cancellations, delays or interruptions due to acts of God, acts and advice of Governments, acts of war, epidemic, pandemic, natural disasters, weather, acts of terrorism, national catastrophes, advice against any travel by any Government or official authority for any reason (including by way of example only and without limitation by reason of any actual or potential terrorist threat) and/or the World Health Organisation or any internationally recognised medical authority for any reason or an event of force majeure, the PL and its agencies will not be responsible and the Prize will not be awarded and no additional compensation will be provided. No refunds or credit for changes are allowed. Any and all state and/or local income and other taxes on the Prize is the Winner’s sole responsibility.

14. All information and personal data shall be controlled by the Sponsor in accordance with its privacy policy which can be found at To the extent that any information contained within an Entry constitutes personal data (as defined in UK GDPR) is disclosed in relation to the Prize Draw, the Sponsor shall ensure that they and all their agents observe the requirements of UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 (and any amendments, schedules or revisions thereto) and shall protect the security, privacy and integrity of the personal data and personal data shall only be processed in accordance with these Official Rules or the instructions of the Sponsor. The Sponsor shall use the information in the applicable Entry for the purposes of administering the Prize Draw only and no personal data shall be used for direct marketing.

15. By submitting an Entry, a Winner grants to the PL a royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual licence to edit, publish, translate, modify, adapt, make available and distribute any element of their Entry throughout the world in any media now known or hereafter invented, including any accompanying photographs of the Winner with the Prize. For the avoidance of doubt, the PL may make use of a Winner’s entry, their proper name and country of residence online and in print, or in any other media, in connection with the Prize Draw, without payment or compensation, except where prohibited by law.

16. The PL shall not be liable or responsible for errors in the administration or fulfilment of the Prize Draw, including without limitation mechanical, technical human, printing, distribution or production errors. The PL and Administrator shall be ultimately responsible for determining eligibility, in its sole discretion.

17. All Winners assume all liability for any injury or damage caused, or claimed to be caused, by participation in this Prize Draw, or use or redemption of prize. For the avoidance of doubt, the PL cannot accept any liability to any Entrant for any of the following types of loss which an Entrant may suffer as a result of their Entry:

a. loss which was not foreseeable to an Entrant and the PL when the Entrant first entered any of the Prize Draw, (even if that loss results from the PL’s failure to comply with these terms and conditions or its negligence);

b. any business loss an Entrant may suffer, including loss of revenue, profits, or anticipated savings (whether those losses are the direct or indirect result of the PL’s default); or

c. loss which an Entrant suffers other than as a result of the PL’s failure to comply with these terms and conditions (or any typographical or other error contained herein) and the PL’s negligence or breach of statutory duty.

18. Nothing in these terms will limit the PL’s liability for death or personal injury arising from its negligence or if the PL deliberately lied to Entrants before an Entry was submitted.

19. In the event of any breach by an Entrant of these terms and conditions, the PL reserves the right to:

a. refuse entry into the Prize Draw; or

b. disqualification from the Prize Draw.

20. APPLICABLE LAWS AND JURISDICTION. This Prize Draw, and these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

21. ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS. Confirmation of the Winners will be shared by the PL once the Winner has formally accepted the Prize. Any request for further information should be made by via the Premier League website.