The 2019/20 Premier League season returned on Wednesday 17 June, with matches taking place behind closed doors (BCD), provided all safety requirements are in place.
In a series of articles, we will provide a guide to the safety measures in place on matchdays and what fans watching at home can look out for.
The safety of players, coaches and club staff has been paramount in the phased Return to Training Protocol and this will continue to be the case when fixtures resume.
We have been able to resume the matches because of the clubs' training grounds being made as safe as possible to protect the health of everyone.
This is because the League and clubs have put in place strict medical protocols for the return to training, risk assessments and regular testing programmes.
These protocols as well as those for matchdays have been developed in consultation with clubs, players, managers and they are in line with the guidelines set out by the Government.

Also in this series
Part 1: BCD guide: Before the match
Part 2: BCD guide: During the match
Part 3: BCD guide: After the match
Part 4: BCD guide: What will be different on TV?
Part 5: BCD guide: Matchday features
Download: Premier League 2019/20 Season Restart guide (PDF; 807KB)