We have committed to reducing emissions from across our operations (scopes 1, 2 and 3) in pursuit of our target to reach net zero by 2040. This is a challenging goal, but we believe that it is the right approach.  

Emissions calculation methodology 

Our emissions calculation methodology is aligned with the guidance set out by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. We work with independent experts to collect and analyse emissions data and to identify opportunities to improve the accuracy and reliability of data sources.  

We measure our emissions according to the operational control approach as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. We prioritise the collection of activity data and calculate associated emissions using relevant emissions factors from the UK Government. Where activity data is not available, we use spend-based data sourced from internal accounting systems combined with corresponding spend-based emissions factors from trusted sources.  

We undertake a data quality assessment on an annual basis, which guides our transition from using spend-based data to more reliable activity data. As the quality of our data improves, historic emissions (including baseline year emissions) are liable to change in accordance with the policy below. 

Our footprint is categorised by scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions: 

  • Scope 1: Direct emissions from our owned or controlled assets, such as the combustion of natural gas in our offices. 
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity. 
  • Scope 3: Indirect emissions from across our value chain - most notably our supply chain, our events, Premier League Productions, and business travel. 


Our most recent carbon footprint: Season 2022/23 

Copy of Webpage carbon emissions dataset

Baseline year re-calculation 

In accordance with guidance from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, we have developed a baseline retrigger policy. This outlines our approach to reviewing our baseline emissions on account of methodological or structural changes. Our threshold for significance is a change that increases or decreases baseline emissions by 5% or more, which may be attributable to: 

  • Structural changes, for example; mergers, acquisitions or outsourcing / insourcing of emitting activities. 
  • Methodological changes, for example; updates to the accuracy of emissions factors or data sources and quality.